Idiotic Gardener Cheerily Planting Flowers On The Moon by Mark Sheeky

G135A Idiotic Gardener Cheerily Planting Flowers On The Moon
Oil on canvas panel
May to Jun 2008, Size 280x220 mm

About this painting
Painting in isolation is a thankless task, and sometimes it seems like a pointless one. To spend hour after hour, day after day, on a painting, giving love and extreme attention to each detail, often to gain only disappointment. Sometimes painting can be like a mad gardener planting flowers on the sterile moon. That was the idea behind this painting.

Far from the green Earth, a lone gardener gives time and care to his star-crossed seeds.

Technical details
The frame for this picture is grey and textured like moon dust.

Idiotic Gardener Cheerily Planting Flowers On The Moon (Original)
Private Collection.