Worrying Wilf

Worrying Wilf
worries all day,
he worries his life away.
He tends to quiver,
thin as a line.

Lives with his dad,
jolly old man,
up in the hill-top house.
He leaves the light on
to quell the dark.
Every dream the frost encrusts the park.

His mother hanged herself when he was small.
He feels ashamed that he cannot remember her.


Every day
Worrying Wilf
worries around the town,
he wanders slowly
in waters deep.

Up in his room
later at night,
worrying in the light
far on the island
inside his head.
What does he worry about when daylight's dead?

His mother hanged herself when he was small.
He has romantic feelings for her leaving him.

© Mark Sheeky. Permission is required for reproduction.