Portrait of Liza Minnelli by Mark Sheeky

G75A Portrait of Liza Minnelli
Oil on canvas board
Nov 2005, Size 234x336 mm

About this painting
This was my first oil painting to be painted in several layers. This classical method for painting in oils is time consuming, but ensures the ultimate beauty, softness, and stability.

This portrait of Miss Minnelli was painted at a time when the star was forever in the gaze of the public eye due to her apparently turbulent marriage to David Gest.

Seemingly attacked from all sides, the singer here is collapsing, assassinated by a heart shaped bullet that forms a tunnel to a distant clear sky.

Portrait of Liza Minnelli (Original)
Private collection.

Portrait of Liza Minnelli (Signed Limited Edition Reproduction, Of 100)
Price: £125.00
Email contact@marksheeky.com if you would like a print.