A Tower of Bees hit by Forces Beyond Their Control by Mark Sheeky

G103A A Tower of Bees hit by Forces Beyond Their Control
Oil on canvas board
Apr to May 2007, Size 336x234 mm

About this painting
The tower of bees hit by sea water to represent the emotional shock of being hit by a devastating and unpredictable event.

The thick strokes of white in this painting create a sense of power and violence in the rough ocean. The bees are much more smoothly and delicately painted.

Technical details
To obtain a dramatic contrast, I decided to paint the sea roughly using a palette knife, painting the bees later with a tiny brush.

A Tower of Bees hit by Forces Beyond Their Control (Original)
Private collection.

A Tower of Bees hit by Forces Beyond Their Control (Signed Limited Edition Reproduction, Of 100)
Price: £125.00
Email contact@marksheeky.com if you would like a print.